Clamp On Lockout 65396 Brady Loto Device Used For 120 277V Circuits Breaker
Part No.: CBL11
Clamp-On Circuit Breaker Lockout
Part No. | Description |
CBL11 | For 120-277V breaker lockouts,handle width≤16.5mm |
Carton enterprise safety problem
We have been emphasizing that safety is the top priority in enterprise production!
However, at 1:10 PM on March 30, a male worker's right hand was accidentally stuck in a box slotting machine at a factory's processing workshop in Zhangliang Road, Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City.
1 Lockout tagout
Lockout Tagout means that everyone entering any part of a flexo, die cutter, or tile line and its components must first press the emergency stop button or stop button and connect the properly identified "lock" lock to that location. Do not lock the start/stop or emergency stop button controls without locking the main circuit breaker for the entire drive.
It is recommended that everyone use a lock. This also applies to all box pavers, band saws, shredders or any operating equipment in the building.
Each lock must be identified by the employee's name, so that any crew or maintenance personnel who need to operate the machine can quickly know who to contact to unlock it. Keep in mind that it is illegal for anyone other than the owner of the lock to lift it. If the operator forgets to remove the lock from the equipment control center at the end of the shift, the plant management can contact the employee and have them return to the plant and properly release their lock. For visitors, customers, or any office worker, they need locks that are properly identified and marked as "Visitors," "Office Worker," or "Customer."
Similarly, once the lock is connected and secured to the device, the individual must always hold the lock key until the lock is removed. There can be no exceptions! It is also a good idea to have a central locking station near each machine so that everyone can easily access their own locks and follow the rules.
Many companies have written and posted policies. According to the policy, employees who enter any device without proper locking can be disciplined, suspended or fired. All well-managed companies should abide by this rule.
Spanning transmission device
With regard to crossing live and static transmission devices, it is a safety violation to walk or operate on a transmission device anywhere in the factory. This can cause serious injuries, especially broken bones, knees, ankles, arms and hands. The resulting damage can lead to serious and long-term consequences, sometimes even permanent disabilities.
Each plant has a allowed crossing location. Usually, there is a flat piece of yellow steel 8 cm wide at the desired crossing. It is strongly recommended that the factory install two suitable flat pieces of yellow steel shoulder width on the transmission unit. A piece of yellow flat steel means that an employee must take a balanced action when crossing the transmission. If there are two suitable yellow flat steel bars with a wide shoulder width apart, it will be a safer crossing.
It is recommended that each plant's safety team review this in detail to address and improve the situation. Also, it is a good idea to place handrails in important locations in the plant to ensure that employees can safely cross the transmission.
3 Operating equipment
The area around any operating equipment in a factory should have a yellow stripe on the floor showing the area. Many factories use light curtains.
Yellow plastic chains next to danger points are also a good idea. It is recommended that the factory safety team evaluate each machine center individually and place appropriate safety flags, light curtains, or machine-specific markers.